Sho Award Scheme (5 to 7 years old)
The Sho Awards are British Judo’s grading awards which focus on developing fundamental movement skills for 5 to 7 year olds.
The Sho awards are comprise 9 separate awards which are designed to help coaches reward young players while they develop fundamental physical, technical, social and psychological skills.
Scheme cost £24/child/year (as of 2021) Young judoka will receive a small booklet at each grading.
Once a player has turned 8 years of age they move onto the Mon Grading Scheme.
Scheme is optional. Speak to Didier for more information and/or upon signing up to the scheme.
How does it work at Ringwood Judo Club ?
Sho Gradings are completed every 3 months at the Club during normal Sessions Times. Our Grading Schedule is shown on our Judo Information Board at the Club.
Ringwood Judo Club charges £4 per Sho Gradings which includes a new belt. Once the New Grade has been recorded by Coach with British Judo Association (BJA) the Young Judoka will receive booklet.
My Child has just passed his grading, What should I do ?
1 - Make sure you have a valid British Judo Association (BJA) Licence. If you have not registered your child with the BJA you can do this online. If your child is under 8 years old select the SHO membership (£24/year as of 2021)
2 - Each SHO Grade cost £4 and includes Belt. Payable to Club on the day of Grading.
That's it ! Any questions do ask one of the Coaches.
Do we get a new belt ?
BJA does not provide the belts anymore but to help Young Judoka show they achievement we have sourced belts via a different channel which are including in grading fees. Belt cost £3 each to replace.